createdtime:2021-04-13 16:27:00


positive binocular biomicroscope


型号:DM6 B


Leica DM6 B正置双目生物显微镜都是生物医学研究和临床实验应用的理想之选。徕卡显微系统提供强大的摄像头以及基于工作流程的软件,以构建集成成像系统。利用此平台硬件和软件系统的结合,可以用来进行细胞和组织切片的成像,从而获取细胞和组织的高分辨率图像数据。该显微镜操作智能自动化,可以节省更多精力。

Leica DM6 B is an ideal choice for biomedical research and clinical experiment. Leica microsystems provide powerful cameras and workflow based software to build an integrated imaging system. With the combination of hardware and software system, the platform can be used to image cells and tissue sections, and obtain high-resolution image data of cells and tissues. The operation of the microscope is intelligent and automatic, which can save more research time.