长聘副教授,博士生导师。蔡博士2008年获菁英留学奖学金,至英国伦敦帝国理工学院跟随Andrew Amis教授学习;2011年至2016年4月任美国哈佛医学院/麻省总医院骨科部博士後、讲师。2016年5月加盟上海交通大学生物医学工程学院,并加入上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院戴尅戎教授所领导的,医学3D打印创新研究中心以及教育部数字医学临床转化工程研究中心。现任美国骨科研究学会会员(Active Member of Orthopaedic Research Society) ;美国骨科研究协会年会髋膝关节植入物组学术委员;第14届国际生物力学协会(International Society of Biomechanics),3D人体动作分析会议,医学影像分会场组主席,医学影像专题论文审查委员。累计发表100+篇SCI论文, 180+篇国际会议论文;参编骨科临床专著《The Adult Hip》;有限元分析专著《ABAQUS从入门到进阶》。担任 BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 期刊副主编、Annals of Joint 期刊编辑委员,Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices 期刊编辑委员、20数本SCI期刊审稿委员,包括“Journal of Biomechanics”, “Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehablitation”, “Medicine”, “Medical Physics”, “PLoS One”, “Medical Engineering and Physics”, “BioMedical Engineering OnLine”, “BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders”, “Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology”, “International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery”, “Biomedical Engineering, Application, Basis and Communication”等等。
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会 面上项目
2. 上海市科学技术委员会“科技创新行动计划”技术标准项目
3. 上海市科学技术委员会“科技创新行动计划”生物医药科技支撑专项
4. 上海市经济信息化委 市卫生健康委 市医疗保障局创新医疗器械应用示范项目
5. 上海市浦东新区科技发展产学研专项资金(人工智能)
资助金额:104万人民币 / 项目总经费 728万人民币
1. 科技部 国家重点研发计划 ”数字诊疗装备研发“ 重点专项
资助金额:50万人民币 / 课题总经费507万人民币
项目起止时间:2019年1月1日至2022年12月31日 已结题
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会 面上项目
项目起止时间:2020年1月至2023年12月 已结题
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会 面上项目
项目起止时间:2018年1月至2021年12月 已结题
项目起止时间:2017年7月至2019年6月 已结题
5. 科技部 国家重点研发计划 "数字诊疗装备研发" 重点专项
项目起止时间:2017年7月至2020年12月 已结题
6. 上海交通大学 医工交叉基金项目
项目起止时间:2018年1月至2020年12月 已结题
7. 上海交通大学 转化医学交叉研究基金
项目起止时间:2019年1月至2021年12月 已结题
8. 上海交通大学 转化医学交叉研究基金
项目起止时间:2021年1月至2023年12月 已结题
1. Zhang Ling, Yang Yangyang, Xia Chunjie, Wang Cong, Qiu Jiayu, Chen Jiebo, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Zhao Jinzhong, Wang Shaobai. Loaded Open Kinetic Chain Exercises Caused More Anterior Tibial Translation and Anteromedial Graft Elongation Than Closed Kinetic Chain Following Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2025;1(aop):1-9.
2. Ye Jiling, Jin Lei, Cheng Rongshan, Lv Xiaolong, Yao Yuan, Xu Lili, Cai Bin, Fang Zhongyi, Tsai Tsung-yuan. Changes in the craniofacial morphology and hyoid bone position in the neutral and forward head posture in healthy individuals: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2025:10538127241304378.
3. Yang Yangyang, Pan Shengxuan, Zhao Jie, Pan Xiaogang, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Three-dimensional zone of the centers of resistance of the mandibular incisors and canines: A novel approach by finite element analysis. International Orthodontics. 2025;23(1):100933.
4. Wu Chenliang, Qiao Yi, Zhang Ling, Wang Cong, Chen Jiebo, Chen Chang’an, Xu Caiqi, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Xu Junjie, Zhao Jinzhong. Effects of Biceps Rerouting on In Vivo Glenohumeral Kinematics in the Treatment of Large-to-Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2025:03635465241301778.
5. Li Zhuman, Hu Mengling, Zhang Ling, Wang Cong, Wu Danni, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Wang Shaobai. High-heeled Shoes Increase Motion of the Talocrural Joint While Limiting the Subtalar Joint. Gait & Posture. 2025.
6. Jiang Zheng, Zheng Nan, He Axiang, Zhang Guoqiang, Lin Weiming, Qu Yang, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Liu Wanjun, Mao Yanjie. Digging into the Cause of Abnormal Patellar Kinematics After Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy via a Quantitative Study on In Vivo Soft Tissue Functional Changes. Bioengineering. 2025;12(2):123.
7. Jiang Zheng, Zhen Nan, Mao Yanjie, He Axiang, Guo Han, Lin Weiming, Tang Diwen, Qu Yang, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Liu Wanjun. HKA angle exceeding 5 degrees is strongly associated with lateral patellar translation beyond 2 mm: surgical recommendations for avoiding adverse effects on the patellofemoral joint after OWHTO. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2025;20(1):45.
8. Jiang Ziang, Hu Ping, Cheng Rongshan, Wang Haiya, Zhang Qiang, Ma Shaojun, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Quantitative Analysis of Gait Dysfunction in Sarcopenia Patients: Based on Spatiotemporal Parameters and Kinematic Performance. Gait & Posture. 2025.
9. Hu Mengling, Li Zhuman, Zhang Ling, Wang Cong, Wu Danni, Zhao Xuan, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Wang Shaobai. In vivo kinematic changes of the medial longitudinal arch during barefoot and high-heeled shoes walking. Gait & Posture. 2025;117:78-84.
10. Cheng Rongshan, Dimitriou Dimitris, Yao Gai, Li Xianghui, Lv Xiaolong, Yang Yangyang, Ying Hua, Wang Ziming, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Outperformance of Combined Artificial Anterolateral Ligament and ACL Reconstruction Compared With Isolated Artificial ACL Reconstruction in Knees With Anterolateral Structure and ACL Deficiency: A Biomechanical Analysis. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2025;13(2):23259671241309270.
11. Zheng Nan, Dai Huiyong, Zou Diyang, Wang Qi, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan. Safe bearing region for avoiding meniscal bearing impingement and overhang in mobile‐bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®. 2024;42(6):1200-9.
12. Zhang Ling, Xu Junjie, Wang Cong, Luo Ye, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Zhao Jinzhong, Wang Shaobai. Optimal Tibial Tunnel Angulation for Anatomical Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Transtibial Technique. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2024:104190.
13. Zhang Ling, Qiu Jiayu, Chen Jiebo, Wang Cong, Zhao Jinzhong, Wang Shaobai, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan. Anatomic double‐bundle transtibial anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction restores graft length changes but leads to larger graft bending angles. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2024.
14. Zhang Lihang, Huang Tianwen, Li Changzhao, Xing Xing, Zou Diyang, Dimitriou Dimitris, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan, Li Pingyue. Race and gender differences in anterior cruciate ligament femoral footprint location and orientation: a 3D‐MRI study. Orthopaedic Surgery. 2024;16(1):216-26.
15. Zhang Jiaying, Jia Zhenyu, Yang Yangyang, Zhang Lihang, Huang Tianwen, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan, Li Pingyue. In the Acute Phase of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture: Quantitative Assessment of Matrix Changes and Correlation between Different States of Meniscus and Adjacent Cartilage. Orthopaedic Surgery. 2024;16(10):2475-87.
16. Zhang Jiaying, Huang Tianwen, Jia Zhenyu, Yang Yangyang, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Li Pingyue. Factors influencing the posterior cruciate ligament buckling phenomenon—a multiple linear regression analysis of bony and soft tissue structures of the knee joint. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2024;19(1):277.
17. Zhan Xuqiang, Gao Feng, Yang Yangyang, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan, Wan Zongmiao, Yu Yan. Effect of Insertional Direction of Pedicle Screw on Screw Loosening: A Biomechanical Study on Synthetic Bone Vertebra under a Physiology‐like Load. Orthopaedic Surgery. 2024.
18. Yu Wanxin, Zou Diyang, Tan Jiaqi, Zheng Nan, Ma Xin, Cheng Rongshan, Chen Yunsu, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan. Medial‐pivot total knee arthroplasty enhances tibiofemoral axial rotation stability in weight‐bearing mid‐range flexion compared to posterior‐stabilised system. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2024.
19. Xia Chunjie, Zheng Nan, Gu Tianyun, Dai Huiyong, Zou Diyang, Wang Qi, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. The in-vivo medial and lateral collateral elongation correlated with knee functional score and joint space following unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research. 2024:104052.
20. Wang Yufan, Ying Mengjie, Yang Yangyang, Chen Yankai, Wang Haoyuan, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan, Liu Xudong. Multitask learning for automatic detection of meniscal injury on 3D knee MRI. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®. 2024.
21. Sun Yandong, Li Zhongyao, Zhao Kaiyu, Dimitriou Dimitris, Yang Biao, Cao Zhangyi, Ma Xin, Cheng Rongshan, Li Pingyue, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan. Optimal intersurface stability for unicompartmental femoral component design with two pegs placed on the distal resection surface: 5 mm peg length increment and 10° peg inclination. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2024.
22. Shu Jingheng, Zheng Nan, Teng Haidong, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Liu Zhan. In vivo biomechanical dynamic simulation of a healthy knee during the single-leg lunge and its experiment validation. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2024;129:104183.
23. Shu Jingheng, Zheng Nan, Dai Huiyong, Wang Qi, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Liu Zhan. Altered dynamic joint space in the lateral condyle compartment following medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2024;255:108330.
24. Huang Tianwen, Zhang Lihang, Zhang Jiaying, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Li Pingyue. Optimal angles for independent femoral tunnel drillings to prevent damage to anatomic structures in single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. 2024;19(1):745.
25. Hu Ping, Jiang Ziang, Ma Shaojun, Cheng Rongshan, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Wang Haiya. Sarcopenia in older adults is associated with static postural control, fear of falling and fall risk: A study of Romberg test. Gait & Posture. 2024;112:147-53.
26. Cheng Rongshan, Yao Gai, Dimitriou Dimitris, Jiang Ziang, Yang Yangyang, Tsai Tsung‐Yuan. The 45° and 60° of sagittal femoral tunnel placement in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction provide similar knee stability. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2024;32(11):3031-8.
27. Zou Diyang, Tan Jiaqi, Zheng Nan, Ling Zhi, Yu Wanxin, Liow Ming Han Lincoln, Chen Yunsu, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Larger Medial Contact Area and More Anterior Contact Position in Medial-Pivot than Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty during In-Vivo Lunge Activity. Bioengineering. 2023;10(3):290.
28. Zou Diyang, Ling Zhi, Tan Jiaqi, Zheng Nan, Dimitriou Dimitris, Chen Yunsu, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Medial stability and lateral flexibility of the collateral ligaments during mid-range flexion in medial-pivot total knee arthroplasty patients demonstrates favorable postoperative outcomes. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2023;31(9):3734-44.
29. Zheng Nan, Dai Huiyong, Zou Diyang, Dimitriou Dimitris, Wang Qi, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Altered In Vivo Knee Kinematics and Lateral Compartment Contact Position During the Single-Leg Lunge After Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2023;11(2):23259671221150958.
30. Zhang Lihang, Li Changzhao, Zhang Jiaying, Zou Diyang, Dimitriou Dimitris, Xing Xing, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Li Pingyue. Significant race and gender differences in anterior cruciate ligament tibial footprint location: a 3D-based analysis. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2023;24(1):33.
31. Yu Jia, Xia Yulian, Zhou Chaochao, Tsai Tsungyuan, Li Sophia, Foster Timothy, Bedair Hany, Li Guoan. Investigation of Characteristic Motion Patterns of the Knee Joint During a Weightbearing Flexion. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2023;51(10):2237-44.
32. Ye Jiling, Jiang Ziang, Chen Shijie, Cheng Rongshan, Xu Lili, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Rehabilitation Practitioners’ Perceptions of Optimal Sitting and Standing Posture in Men with Normal Weight and Obesity. Bioengineering. 2023;10(2):210.
33. Yang Yangyang, Wang Yufan, Zheng Nan, Cheng Rongshan, Zou Diyang, Zhao Jie, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Development and Validation of a Novel In Vitro Joint Testing System for Reproduction of In Vivo Dynamic Muscle Force. Bioengineering. 2023;10(9):1006.
34. Wang Cong, Qiu Jiayu, Wang Yufan, Li Changzhao, Kernkamp Willem A, Xi Xin, Yu Yan, Li Pingyue, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Loaded open-kinetic-chain exercises stretch the anterior cruciate ligament more than closed-kinetic-chain exercises: In-vivo assessment of anterior cruciate ligament length change. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2023;63:102715.
35. Li Changzhao, Wang Xinyu, Zhang Lihang, He Peiheng, Liu Yong, Wang Cong, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Li Pingyue, Xu Dongliang. Relationships between position of patellar ridge high point and morphology of resected surface for patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. 2023;13(9):6129.
36. Hu Yi, Zou Diyang, Jiang Mengda, Qian Qingyu, Li Huiwu, Tsai Tsung-Yuan, Zhang Jingwei. Postoperative hip center position is associated with gait symmetry in range of axial rotation in dysplasia patients after THA. Frontiers in Surgery. 2023;10:1135327.
37. Cui Jingnan, Liu Cheng Lei, Jennane Rachid, Ai Songtao, Dai Kerong, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. A highly generalized classifier for osteoporosis radiography based on multiscale fractal, lacunarity, and entropy distributions. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2023;11:1054991.
38. Cheng Hao, Jiang Zi-Ang, Chen Liang, Wang Guo-Dong, Liu Xiao-Yang, Sun Jian-Min, Tsai Tsung-Yuan. Impacts of gait biomechanics of patients with thoracolumbar kyphosis secondary to Scheuermann’s disease. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2023;11:1192647.
1. 占新华, 于研, 蔡宗远, 曾至立, 张宇雷, 程黎明*. 腰椎微创与开放椎间融合的影像学特征及疗效比较[J].同济大学学报(医学版),2017,38(4):66-70. DOI:10.16118/j.1008-0392.2017.04.014.
2. 蔡宗远, 王少白*, 李国安. 人体运动分析的发展与应用回顾[J].医用生物力学,2016,31(4):362-368. DOI:10.3871/j.1004-7220.2016.04.362.
1. 王中正, 黄沐音, 田斐, 王少白, 艾松涛, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 马拉松是否损伤髌股关节软骨? 运动医学学术大会暨第一届重庆市国际运动医学高峰论坛, 重庆, 中国, 10/19-10/21.
2. 王聪, Willem A. Kernkamp, 李昌钊, 张长青, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 箭步深蹲过程中内侧髌股韧带对髌骨拉伸方向变化. 运动医学学术大会暨第一届重庆市国际运动医学高峰论坛, 重庆, 中国, 10/19-10/21.
3. W.A. Kernkamp, 王聪, 李昌钊, 赵金忠, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 内侧髌骨股骨韧带不同解剖分束的在体三维包绕长度分析. 运动医学学术大会暨第一届重庆市国际运动医学高峰论坛, 重庆, 中国, 10/19-10/21.
4. 谭霄, 邹第洋, 胡项俊, 罗翔, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 前臂旋前后时尺桡关节精确六自由度运动分析. 运动医学学术大会暨第一届重庆市国际运动医学高峰论坛, 重庆, 中国, 10/19-10/21.
5. 蔡宗远*, 李昌钊, Willem A. Kernkamp, 王聪, 陈云苏. (2018) 膝关节开闭链运动时前叉韧带三维包绕长度变化分析. 运动医学学术大会暨第一届重庆市国际运动医学高峰论坛, 重庆, 中国, 10/19-10/21.
6. 李昌钊, Willem A. Kernkamp, 王聪, 李凭跃, 胡海, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 膝关节开闭链运动时六自由度运动分析. 运动医学学术大会暨第一届重庆市国际运动医学高峰论坛, 重庆, 中国, 10/19-10/21.
7. 邹第洋, 谭霄, 胡海, 龚伟华, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 测量在体肘关节屈伸动作时肱尺关节精确六自由度运动. 运动医学学术大会暨第一届重庆市国际运动医学高峰论坛, 重庆, 中国, 10/19-10/21.
8. 程荣山, 张恒辉, 郑静茂, 王燎, 蔡宗远*. (2018) Crowe分型无法体现股骨头的三维脱位程度. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
9. 王中正, 黄沐音, 田斐, 王少白, 艾松涛, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 马拉松对髌股关节软骨品质的短期影响. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
10. Willem A. Kernkamp, 王聪, 李昌钊, 赵金忠, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 上台阶时健康膝关节内侧髌股韧带的等长分析. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
11. 王聪, Willem A. Kernkamp, 李昌钊, 张长青, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 箭步深蹲过程中膝关节内侧髌股韧带在体方向变化. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
12. 邹第洋, 谭霄, 龚伟华, 胡海, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 应用动态双平面透视技术测量在体肘关节屈伸动作时精确六自由度运动. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
13. 李昌钊, Willem A. Kernkamp, 王聪, 胡海, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 正常膝关节在开闭链运动时的在体三维运动学研究. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
14. 黄沐音, 程荣山, 郑静茂, 王燎, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 髋关节发育不良是否伴随异常骨盆入射角. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
15. 崔靖男, 占新华, 程黎明, 戴尅戎, 于研, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 评估传统2D图像定位经椎孔腰椎融合器和螺钉的精度. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
16. 谭霄, 邹第洋, 胡项俊, 罗翔, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 利用双平面动态摄影技术测量前臂旋前后时尺桡关节运动的研究. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
17. 郑静茂, 程荣山, 王燎, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 单侧髋关节发育不良患者的健侧髋臼前倾角与外展角是否与正常人相同?中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
18. 李昌钊, Willem A. KernKamp, 王聪, 陈云苏, 蔡宗远*. (2018) 正常膝关节开闭链运动时前叉韧带在体长度变化-基于CT和双平面的三维研究. 中华医学会第二十届骨科学术会议暨第十三届 COA 学术大会, 厦门, 中国, 11/21-11/24.
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