• 林俐

    长聘教轨助理教授,博导,上海市“晨光计划”学者。于上海交通大学生物医学工程学院获学士和博士学位;之后分别在上海交大和伊利诺伊大学香槟分校开展博士后研究。在Adv Sci, Small Methods, Nano Lett, ACS Nano等期刊上发表高水平论文,被引1100余次,担任多个SCI期刊(包括IEEE, ACS, Elsevier, SpringerNature 等出版社期刊)的审稿人、Exploration青年编委。曾获SERS国际会议最佳墙报奖、IMCO国际会议最佳论文奖等。博士期间开发高灵敏缝隙增强拉曼探针,并帮助实现大规模生产,有望临床转化成为首个拉曼造影剂。近年来的研究兴趣集中在基于光学方法的无创病灶定位和重建,包括拉曼响应纳米探针的设计开发、深穿透拉曼光谱技术和拉曼光学图像重建。开发活体透射拉曼光谱技术,实现了深穿透检测、定位和成像等一系列研究,相关成果获得人民日报、澎湃新闻、ChinaDaily等报道。

    欢迎生医工、光学、化学和材料领域的硕士、博士加入课题组!欢迎对科研感兴趣的本科生提前加入实验室。近年多次指导国自然基金青年学生项目、本科生挑战杯项目、毕业设计、国家级大创(并入选国创年会展示)。可直接Email 联系我。






  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于深穿透拉曼光谱的安全光照剂量的深层病灶无创检测与深度估测”,2024-2027,主持
  • 上海交通大学医工交叉研究基金青年项目,“拉曼光谱诊断技术应用于食管癌术中切缘肿瘤残余的快速检测研究”,2024-2026,合作方负责人
  • 上海交通大学交大之星计划医工交叉研究基金青年项目,“基于机器学习算法和光纤拉曼光谱系统的胃癌快速诊断研究”,2022-2024,合作方负责人
  • 上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”高新技术领域项目,“基于肿瘤拉曼光活检的新型纤微医疗机器人的研究”,子课题负责人,结题
  • 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,“近红外二区增强拉曼探针及其组织穿透深度研究”,主持,结题


Featued Articles After 2021 

1.   Binge Deng, Yan Wang, Xiangdong Bu, Jin Li, Jingsong Lu, Linley Li Lin*, Yaohui Wang*, Yao Chen*, Jian Ye*. Sentinel lymph node identification using NIR-II ultrabright Raman nanotags on preclinical models. Biomaterials, 2024, 308, 122538. (IF=14)

2.   Shiyan Fang, Siyi Wu, Zhou Chen, Chang He, Linley Li Lin*, and Jian Ye*. Recent progress and applications of Raman spectrum denoising algorithms in chemical and biological analyses: A review. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 172, 117578. (IF=13.1)

3.   Haoqiang Xie, Yumin Zhang, Zongyu Wu, Zhouzhou Bao*, Li Lin*, and Jian Ye*. Locating Three-Dimensional Position of Deep-Seated SERS Phantom Lesions in Thick Tissues Using Tomographic Transmission Raman Spectroscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 38, 44665-44675. (IF=9)

4.   Li Lin*, Haoqi He, Ruiyang Xue, Yumin Zhang, Ziwen Wang, Shuming Nie*, Jian Ye*. Direct and quantitative assessments of near‑infrared light attenuation and spectroscopic detection depth in biological tissues using surface‑enhanced Raman scattering. Med-X, 2023, 1, 9.

5.   Zongyu Wu, Binge Deng, Yutong Zhou, Haoqiang Xie, Yumin Zhang, Li Lin*, Jian Ye*. Non-invasive detection, precise localization, and perioperative navigation of in vivo deep lesions using transmission Raman spectroscopy. Advanced Science. 202301721. (IF=17.2)

6.  Yumin Zhang, Li Lin*, Jian Ye*. A rapid and universal method for depth estimation of lesions in heterogeneous tissues via photosafe ratiometric transmission Raman spectroscopy. View, 2023, 20230022. (IF=8.6)

7.   Yumin Zhang, Ruoyu Chen, Fugang Liu, Peng Miao, Li Lin*, and Jian Ye*. In Vivo Surface-Enhanced Transmission Raman Spectroscopy under Maximum Permissible Exposure: Toward Photosafe Detection of Deep-Seated Tumors. Small Methods, 2023, 7(2), 2201334. (IF=15.2)

8.   Li Lin, Ruiyang Xue, Shuming Nie. "Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) nanoparticles for biodiagnostics, bioimaging, and spectroscopy-guided cancer surgery", In: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, 2022. (Invited Book Chapter)

9.   Haoqi He, Yumin Zhang, Shuo Zhu, Jian Ye*, and Li Lin*. "Resonant strategy in designing NIR-II SERS nanotags: a quantitative study." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126, 12575. (IF=4.2)

10.  Yao Lu, Li Lin*, Jian Ye*, “Human metabolite detection by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, Materials Today Bio, 2022, 13, 100205. (IF=10.5)

Featured Articles Before 2021

1.   Yuqing Gu, Chang He, Yuqing Zhang, Li Lin, Benjamin David Thackray, Jian Ye*, “Gap-enhanced Raman tags for physically unclonable anticounterfeiting labels”, Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 516. (IF=13.8)

2.   Li Lin, Qiang Zhang, Xiyao Li, Meng Qiu, Xin Jiang, Hongchen Gu*, Dang Yuan Lei*, Jian Ye*, “Electron Transfer in Plasmonic Nanogaps Interrogated with Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,” ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 6492. (IF=15.8)

3.   Li Lin, Zhonghui Liu, Xiyao Li, Hongchen Gu, Jian Ye*, “Quantifying the Reflective Index of Nanometer-Thick Molecular Layers on Nanoparticle,” Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 2213. (IF=7.2)

4.    Li Lin, Mario Zapata, Min Xiong, Zhonghui Liu, Shanshan Wang, Hong Xu, Andrei G. Borisov, Hongchen Gu, Peter Nordlander*, Javier Aizpurua*, Jian Ye*, “Nanooptics of Plasmonic Nanomatryoshkas: Shrinking the Size of a Core–Shell junction to Subnanometer,” Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 6419. (IF=11.1)







  • 全国大学生“挑战杯”科创竞赛生命科学类,国家级特等奖,指导教师(2023)
  • 全国大学生生物医学工程设计竞赛,国家级三等奖,指导教师(2022)
  • 上海市教委“晨光计划”(2021)
  • IEEE-Nano国际会议,最佳论文奖提名奖(2021)
  • 第九届光流体多学科国际会议,最佳论文奖(2019)



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